





Chemintel Technology



結論體積分數為3%的百里香氛-丁香羅勒精油抗菌紙對草莓較好的保鮮效果。1001-3563(2018)19-0091-07 DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2018.19.017 Effect of Antimicrobial Paper Coated with Thymus Vulgaris L. and Ocimum Gratissimum L.Essential Oil on Preservation of Strawberry LIU Guang-fa, SONG Hai-yan, LUO Wan-ru, TANG Xue-zheng, ZHANG Zheng-jian, ZHU Zi-rui (Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 300222, China) ABSTRACT: The  work  aims  to  study  a  kind  of  antimicrobial  paper  coated  with  essential  oils  and  its  effect  on  the  preservation  of  strawberry.  Essential  oils  with  strong  antimicrobial  activity  against  4  kinds  of  microorganisms  such  as  Botrytis cinerea were screened out from 5 kinds of natural plant essential oils such as Thymus vulgaris L., and their com-ponents were identified by GC-MS. The screened essential oils were coated on paper combined with polyvinyl alcohol to prepare antimicrobial paper. The antimicrobial activity of antimicrobial paper against tested microorganisms was tested by the  method  of  fumigation,  and  the  effect  of  the  antimicrobial  paper  on  the  preservation  of  strawberry  was  studied.  The  results showed that the antimicrobial activity of Thymus vulgaris L. essential oil and Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil against the 4 kinds of tested microorganisms was the strongest. The main components of Thymus vulgaris L. essential oil were  thymol  and  carvacrol,  and  their  peak  area  percentages  in  GC  were  77.04%  and  16.46%,  respectively.  The  main components of the essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum  L.  were  eugenol  and  β-caryophyllene,  and  their  peak  area  percentages in GC were 77.95% and 18.80%, respectively. The antimicrobial paper with essential oil concentration of 4% (volume fraction, double coating, the same below) presented the strongest antimicrobial activity, followed by antimicro-bial  paper  with  essential  oil  concentration  of  3%.  Antimicrobial  paper  with  essential  oil  concentration  of  3%  presented  the  best  effect  on  maintaining  strawberry  sensory  quality,  inhibiting  strawberry  decay  and  deferring  the  increase  of  the  total  number  of  colonies,  which  was  significantly  better  than  the  antimicrobial  paper  with  essential  oil  concentration  of  4%,  2%  and  1%  respectively  and  the  base  paper  (P<0.05).  The  effect  of  antimicrobial  paper  on  total  soluble  solids  of  strawberry  was  not  obvious.  In  conclusion,  the  antimicrobial  paper  coated  with  3%  (volume  fraction)  Thymus  vulgaris.                                                                               


2018年10月L.-Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil has better effect on the preservation of strawberry. KEY  WORDS:  Thymus vulgaris L. essential oil; Ocimum  gratissimum  L.  essential  oil;  antimicrobial  paper;  strawberry;  preservation 食源性微生物不僅容易引起果蔬等食品的腐敗,還容易引起重大公共衛生問題,如何安全有效地延長食品的貨架壽命成為人們急需解決的問題。通過在食品包裝材料中加入綠色安全的抗菌劑,不僅可用于控制食品的腐敗,還可減少化學防腐劑的殘留。


一些研究表明,百里香精油、丁香羅勒精油、孜然精油等植物精油[1—2]對一些食源性微生物具有較強的抑制作用,研究人員還對其作用機理進行了研究。申莉莉[3]發現百里香精油可使金黃色葡萄球菌的細胞壁破損,柳冬雪[4]研究發現丁香精油可破壞細菌的細胞結構。紙質材料是一種廣泛使用的食品包裝材料,近年來的研究表明,基于植物精油的抗菌紙可用于食品防腐保鮮領域。Rodríguez[5]使用涂布機將添加肉桂精油的石蠟乳液涂布于80  g/m2紙張上制備出了一種具有抗菌功能的活性紙,在4 °C條件下可明顯降低草莓的腐爛率。






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